

An inner-source tool to extend the functionality of Gitlab's search function. Allows the user to search for repos using a particular library and also shows some statistics such as how many times they use the library or what percentage of repos, organization-wide uses the library.

York University Badminton Club Website

A static website to show important information for the York University Badminton Club. Features include an image gallery and sleek design.

Color Me Calm

A color by number game where the user uploads a picture and colors a pixelated version of it, can select difficulty to increase the dimensions of the pixelated image grid.


A multitasking game designed around four different aspects of university life and the difficulty in trying to balance it all. Created using Pygame and won best tech at StarterHacks.


An ascii card game, similar to the likes of Hearthstone/Magic, that supports two players. Makes use of multiple design patterns such as Decorator Pattern to keep track of multiple stacking enhancements and Factory Method Pattern to generate the ~100 different cards.

An Alexa skill/app that reads children's literature from a database where stories are scraped from online databases.

Twitter Bot

A Twitter bot that scrapes image macros from, and posts them onto the designated Twitter account.